The new safety organization chart!

After updating the notification configuration system, it is now the turn of a redesign for the Safety organization chart section as well.

We will not go into the new features in this article, but we encourage you to take a look at the information material and tutorials found in the Academy portal.

The other news

In addition to the Safety organizational chart, we are also working on the preparation of a new white-label area, to make users who wish to use it to customize the platform more autonomous, and on an update of the tutorials and training materials in Academy portal.

The other tasks

In parallel we have worked, as usual, also to resolve the latest bugs and anomalies that have been reported to us and which are reported below with the relevant code and wording:

  • HSE-206 Maintenance Manager is unable to create orders
  • HSE-194 Adding and editing Help for project notifications
  • HSE-159 Kebab menu permissions/actions anomaly
  • HSE-158 File deletion failed
  • HSE-157 Toolbar not in read-only state