New update and new notification configuration system

Version 2.18.0 of 4HSE released!

What's New

This major update revolutionizes and simplifies the notification configuration system. In this case, an important distinction between digests and emails has been introduced.

What changes from today?

  • emails are timely notifications with respect to a due date or schedule and will only be able to be configured at the project level. For example, the project administrator may decide that all training activity managers will receive an email notification three days before the date of a course edition.
  • digests are daily/weekly/monthly reports received via email that each user can configure themselves. For example, a user may decide to receive on Monday of each week a digest containing all the training deadlines scheduled for the following week.

The email and digest configuration methods have been simplified to make them more understandable and usable. The new default settings:

Email (for projects)

  • An email will be sent to PPE recipients 3 days before the delivery date.
  • An email will be sent to recipients of a training course 3 days before the date of the course edition.
  • An email will be sent to recipients of a health surveillance 3 days before the date of the medical examination.

Digest (for users)

  • monthly digest will be sent on the 15th day of each month and will contain a list of all deadlines and schedules that will occur in the following month.
  • weekly digest will be sent every Monday and will contain the list of all deadlines and schedules that will occur in the following week.

As usual, the guide and tutorial will be available in the coming days within the Academy portal.