Injury, accidents, non-conformity and near-miss: the log register

The register of events. In this section it is possible to add any injuriesnon-conformitiesaccidents and near miss.

As well as a description of the event, the dynamics and the subjects involved, it is possible to define and indicate corrective actions to undertake. You can manage EHS incidents anytime, anywhere.

To summarise, click on “new event” and the following choices appear:

  • Non conformity
  • Injuries
  • Accidents
  • Near-miss


  • Date
  • Description of the event
  • Corrective actions


  • Supervisor
  • Person in charge
  • Observer
  • Recipient

Example of an injury entry

Suppose, for example, you have to enter an injury.
After having clicked on new and having entered all the relative data regarding the injury, the new event will appear in the register list, with a code number, date, category and name of the injury.

Select the injury required; in the detail window below it is possible to see all the details entered, the people involved, the resources (in this case the origin and the resources associated to the accident – for example an equipment malfunction or the presence of substances etc.), the corrective actions to undertake and any documents or photographs attached which complete the report.

We would like to remind you that there is no limit to the number of events which can be entered just as there is no limit to the number of photographs and documents which can be attached.