The latest updates: 4HSE 2.0

  • New Training section
    • courses and editions
    • simplified interface with training overview (completed, expired, to be delivered, etc.)
    • issuing of personal training certificates
  • New Maintenance section
    • simplified interface with an overview of the maintenance carried out, expired, planned etc.
    • possibility of registering the single machinery, work environment or PPE to maintenance orders.
    • issue of maintenance reports on work environments, equipment, PPE.
  • New procedures section
    • simplified interface with an overview of the implemented / expired / planned procedures etc.
    • possibility to register individual head office resources in reports
    • issue of minutes of procedures
  • New individual prescriptions section
    • it completely replaces the old PPE section
    • organization in individual prescriptions and deliveries
    • simplified interface with overview of deliveries made/expired/planned etc.
    • possibility to specify the specific PPE from the inventory
    • Issues of PPE delivery reports
  • New Health Surveillance section
    • organization of prescriptions and medical visits
    • Health surveillance as a preventive action associated with a source of risk
    • simplified interface with an overview of the visits made/expired/planned etc.
    • issue of in-person eligibility certificates
  • New timetable
    • Visibility of all the activities to be carried out, even if without deadlines
    • Simplified visibility of all deadlines and calendar events
  • New Materials and PPE section
    • PPE management as the site’s material resources
    • PPE inventory management (lots, deadlines)