Innovative companies: Wired talks about us!

An important recognition for our EHS software arrives

Wired, one of the most famous magazines and a point of reference for the entire technological and digital world, talks about the startups that are leading the evolution of the world of safety at work.

In the article, among the various innovative companies, 4HSE is mentioned together with E-time, the other company of the group, from which the 4HSE project was born – EHS management system to help EHS managers, employers and consultants in the management of Health and Safety at work.

Being mentioned by such a prestigious magazine is for us a source of pride, a small recognition for what we have achieved so far and gives us further motivation to continue to evolve our EHS software.

We would like, therefore, to thank all our customers who have trusted us over the years, especially those who have decided to believe in us from the very beginning, and of course thanking from now on also those who will decide to start working with us in the future!

Full article link: Coronavirus emergency and more: startups innovate workplace safety