Moving people between different Officies: version 2.30.0 out!

A wizard to allow one or more people to move between different locations

We are pleased to announce that with the new release of the software, we have introduced a new feature that we are sure will be appreciated by many of you namely the ability to move a Person between different Officies while keeping track of the activity between the origin and destination Offices.

It often happens in a Corporate context that an Employee within the same Project moves from one Workplace to another. The need therefore arises to bring the state of security of the Employee back to the new location as well. Through a dedicated Wizard it is now possible to satisfy this need within 4HSE.

(Topic for Nerd) The complete list of activities of the 2.30.0 release

Here is the list of all the activities carried out:


  • HSE-1392 403 errore on Work-place/index
  • HSE-1415 Template error


  • HSE-1305 CreateAction smart
  • HSE-1307 “Move” icon on Person
  • HSE-1308 WizardPersonMove
  • HSE-1309 SelectOfficesFromTo
  • HSE-1310 PersonSync
  • HSE-1311 PersonSyncEntityAssignGridManager
  • HSE-1312 PersonSyncEntityAssignGrid
  • HSE-1316 Localtables lib
  • HSE-1328 WizardPersonSync
  • HSE-1345 actionCreate Modify
  • HSE-1346 Client Wizard