Management of documents and roles

Document archive and management of roles: the changes!

The possibility to upload files (pdf, CSV, images, etc.) has always been a function present on 4HSE, but we have carried a graphic restyling of the section to improve usability and to make it even more intuitive. Also with a view to improving usability, there is another new function: from today it is possible to enter the roles directly from the people section found within the reference location.

Document archive

Keyword: simplicity!

This is necessary to emphasise because it is an element which we have focused on a lot and continue to do so. The aim of 4HSE is to simplify the management of health and safety at work and not to complicate it.

Therefore it is natural to think of a “file system” browsing style for the archives with the ability to create folders in addition to documents and organize them according to your own needs.

The new layout of the document section is composed of:

  1. Global Toolbar
  2. List of folders
  3. List of contents of the folder selected
  4. Details section of the content selected

Folders and documents

Clicking on the button you can choose to create a new document or new folder. The document or folder will be created within the starting folder previously selected from the “folders” section.

It is possible to move both the documents and the folders by dragging the document or folder to the superior level folder or by clicking on the button within the detail toolbar(For further information look at the software’s online manual)

Adding attachments

What is easier than drag & drop? To add an attachment, drag it within the box or alternatively click on the upload button.

To download an attachment just click on the “download” button (arrow pointing down) found in the detail toolbar of the document.

Revision of the document

As well as standard saving, the new revision of the document function has been introduced. How? Simple, choose the option “Save new revision” from the drop down menu.

Archived documents

We can archive documents by clicking on the “Archive” button (represented by an hourglass) and set the existence period (validity period of the document). Once the document has been archived, it is still possible to view it by clicking on the button.


The “paperclip” which was present in the details of each entity (e.g. Roles, work phases, equipment, maintenance, etc.), has been eliminated. To associate a new document, in the detail section click on “attachments” and add the attachment (new or existing).

When you create a new attachment this is added automatically to the “uncategorised” folder in the Document Section, waiting to be moved to the destination category/folder.

Management of Roles

Accessing the location detail window, in the People section you can find the new “Role” tab. With the tab it is possible to associate roles to employees.

N.B: It is only possible to associate roles already entered into the system.



The support section has been moved to the desktop, within the project.