4HSE Academy

Inauguration of 4HSE Academy and Other Updates!

To promote increasingly autonomous and informed management of health and safety in the workplace with the 4HSE platform, we are inaugurating our Academy today!

The new portal is accessible only to registered users and includes:

  • Manuals: user manuals and reference guides.
  • Video tutorials
  • API: the documentation needed to integrate 4HSE with other programs
  • Events: webinars and updates.

Other updates: bulk actions and quick procedures

To further speed up operations, quick procedures have been introduced and will be gradually enriched with new functionalities.

The new wizard introduced is for the bulk creation of certificates. From today, it is possible to create multiple certificates simultaneously by selecting the relevant individuals as shown in the image below. The quick operation is available for:

  • Training
  • PPE
  • Maintenance
  • Procedures
  • Health surveillance